Family Dental Services

Sedation Dentistry in Greenville, TX

Sedation dentistry is the use of sedation during dental procedures to assist patients who may struggle with nervous feelings.

Patient enquiring about our dental sedation in Greenville, TX.
Why Choose Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry may be a great choice for patients in Greenville, TX, who have anxiety about routine trips to the dentist or undergoing dental procedures. At Graham Family Dental & Spa, we understand that a trip to the dentist can cause some patients to feel very nervous.

The level of sedation can differ from patient to patient depending on their needs. Our doctors can meet with you and help determine what type of sedation is best for you.

Types of Sedation Dentistry

There are many types of sedation dentistry techniques, but three of the most popular ones are inhaled, intravenous, and oral sedation.

Inhaled (Nitrous Oxide)

This type of sedation is one of the lightest and most common in Greenville, TX. Patients are administered laughing gas through a mask placed over your nose. It will help to relax the patient, but they will still be aware of the procedure and their surroundings. Our dentist can control the amount you receive and can adjust it throughout your procedure. Patients who receive this form of sedation are generally able to drive themselves home afterward with no issues.

Oral Sedation

Depending on the dose that is given to the patient, the level of sedation can either be quite minimal or very strong. Oral medication will be provided by Dr. Graham-Wyatt and is taken before your dental procedure. Although you will be awake, patients may feel quite drowsy and tired. It’s not uncommon for patients to fall asleep during procedures with this type of sedation.

Patient holding clear aligner
Sedation Dentistry FAQ

What types of sedation are available in dentistry, and how are they administered?

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Several types of sedation are used in dentistry, including nitrous oxide (laughing gas), oral sedatives, and general anesthesia. Nitrous oxide is inhaled through a mask, oral sedatives are taken in pill form, IV sedation is administered directly into the bloodstream, and general anesthesia is typically inhaled or intravenously administered. Our dentist will determine the most appropriate type and administration method based on your procedure and needs.

Who is a good candidate for sedation dentistry?

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Sedation dentistry is often recommended for patients who experience dental anxiety or fear, have a low pain threshold, require a large amount of dental work, have a sensitive gag reflex, or have difficulty sitting still. Children or individuals with certain medical conditions may also benefit from sedation. Our dentist will assess your health, dental history, and anxiety level to determine if you're a good candidate.

Is sedation dentistry safe?

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When administered by experienced and trained professionals, sedation dentistry is generally safe. However, as with any medical procedure, there are risks involved, especially with deeper levels of sedation. Our dentist will review your medical history, discuss potential risks, and monitor you closely during the procedure to ensure your safety.

What should I expect before, during, and after sedation?

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Before sedation, you may be given specific instructions regarding eating, drinking, and medications. During the procedure, you'll be monitored continuously to ensure your safety and comfort. After sedation, you may feel drowsy and will need someone to drive you home. The effects of the sedation will gradually wear off, but you should plan to rest for the remainder of the day.

Will I feel any pain during the procedure with sedation?

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One of the primary goals of sedation dentistry is to minimize discomfort and pain. Depending on the type and level of sedation, you may be fully asleep, deeply relaxed, or mildly sedated but still awake. In many cases, you will not feel any pain during the procedure and may have little to no memory of it afterward.